Boo: ‘It: Chapter Two’ gets a thumbs down despite hype from fans
Pennywise the clown makes a comeback in “It: Chapter Two.” The sequel, which premiered in theaters on Sept. 6, ultimately failed to live up to the legacy of the first movie.
“It: Chapter Two,” the sequel to the hit horror film “It,” opened in theaters on Sep. 6, but despite the hype over the next chapter featuring the infamous Pennywise, the movie was underwhelming. For a three-hour-long movie, the build-up to the climax should have been good but was rather disappointing.
“It: Chapter Two” is based on Stephen King’s famous best-selling horror novel of the same title. The sequel, directed by Andrés Muschietti, follows the story of Pennywise played by Bill Skarsgård (“Atomic Blonde”) and Mike Hanlon played by Isaiah Mustafa (“Shadowhunters,”) who ultimately brought the group back together again. The second and final chapter comes together with the first one to give closure to the Loser’s Club, who have come together once again after 27 years to fight Pennywise the clown.
In the first movie, we could see the kids losing their childhood innocence and in the second, they were once again being reminded of what has happened to them through these hallucinations brought onto them by Pennywise that were also brought onto them in “It.”
While “It” was definitely funnier, the second one had a more serious vibe to it. The banter between Eddie and Richie, however, was still there and didn’t disappoint even as adults.
Throughout the film, they would show the characters facing some of their fears from when they were younger that have followed them as adults, these fear were brought on by Pennywise.
While fans of the franchise were worried about how scary “It: Chapter Two” would be, “It” actually came out on top for being scarier than the second. While the sequel plot was more complex in the sense that the adults were figuring out stuff in their lives, it wasn’t as funny or sad as “It,” and it definitely wasn’t as scary with the amount of jump scares it provided.
Jump scares are these things that make a horror movie a bad horror movie because it doesn’t provide enough horror to have chills running up through your spine.
For a horror film based on a novel by one of the most famous horror genre writers of our time, the audience would have expected to have nightmares of Pennywise trying to kill them.