Photography exhibit experiments with light and form
The Cosumnes River College Art Gallery held a photography exhibit on Thursday called “Creatures of Light and Form: Topographical Explorations.” Click the gallery to view the photos. “Relics” by Juliet Haas.
The Cosumnes River College Art Gallery held a photography exhibit in person called “Creatures of Light and Form: Topographical Explorations” on Thursday.
The exhibit features photographs from six independent photographers based in Sacramento and Davis. Each of the photos pertained to light and form.
“The significance of this exhibit is for the group of us to share our work with the audience and expose people in Northern California to photography because it’s not considered art as much as sculpture is or different mediums get more attention, and I think photography is equally as important,” said curator and photographer Juliet Haas.
Photographer and curator Farrell Scott explained the photos that she and Haas took when they went to Iceland together in Sept. 2019. These photos were of churches, a farmhouse and the ocean.
“We’ve lived on farmhouse, and these were the area pretty much around us, which is called the Westfjords and it’s the Northwest area of Iceland,” Scott said. “I really gravitate for whatever reason to churches, and so I’ve got four churches, it’s not necessarily that it’s a church, it’s the architecture of the church itself.”
Scott talked about one of her photos that she took in Iceland, a photo titled “Kaldrananeskirkja,” which was a picture of a church with clouds and water.
“This one, is total movement going on and then the water in the background too, creates this softness for the image,” Scott said.
Photographer Tim Messick explained his photo work of reflections that he took in Bodie State Historic Park and that the reflections from his work made it interesting and abstract.
“It’s just a very photogenic place, and like many other people, I photograph the old buildings from the outside and look through the windows that are inside,” Messick said. “A number of times when I was there, I was trying to photograph the stuff that was inside through the glass windows, I was getting all this reflected light from behind me, but then I realized if I stand back and let the reflections happen, it became so much more interesting.”
Haas said she liked the photo of the tin foil on a mannequin titled “Girl With the Orange and Yellow Glasses” by photographer Michael Radin.
“It looks glamorous to me,” Haas said. “I’m a huge fashion lover since I was a child, so anything that looks like fashion to me and you know, like the glamour, I love all that.”
The exhibit is on display until April 28 in the art gallery. For more information, click here.