According to the official voter’s guide, Proposition 38 is the only education initiative on the ballot because it guarantees that new education dollars go straight to every local school and can be used to restore cuts to improve student learning.
If the proposition passes, personal income tax rates will be increased at all income levels, with the wealthiest Californians paying the most, according to the official voter’s guide.
“Both Propositions 30 and 38 would provide increased funding for public education. Proposition 30 would include community colleges, while Proposition 38 focuses on the K-12 sector,” said political science professor Jason Newman. “Although the propositions differ in terms of focus and the income levels that would be taxed, both propositions are vital for our public schools.”
With Proposition 38 only tackling the funding issue for K-12, it leaves out higher education funding that the youth will soon need in the future, whether it’s community colleges or UCs.
“In the case of community colleges, once K-12 funding meets the national average, Prop. 38 will be eliminated and along with it, community college funding guarantees. Community colleges will then be forced to compete with everyone else for funding,” said VirginiaAnn Shadwick, California Teacher Association board member representing higher education, according to the CTA website.
The Community College League of California has taken a support position on Proposition 30 and is neutral on Proposition 38, according to the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges.
Shadwick also expands on how Proposition 30 will be the ideal bill to vote for on Election Day November 6th.
Proposition 30 will fund all educational institutions in the state and will only tax the individuals making more than $250,000 for the next five years.
If both Proposition 30 and Proposition 38 are passed the California Constitution specifies that the provision of the measure receiving more “yes” votes will prevail, according to the official voter’s guide.
“If Prop 30 fails, or is beaten by Prop 38, we are facing even deeper cuts at the community college that will affect all of us here at CRC,” said political science professor Elizabeth Huffman.