Campus radio station gives students real world expierence
A student from the Cosumnes River College River Radio station edits content for an upcoming broadcast as part of the hands-on experience the program offers to students interested in the field of radio broadcasting.
November 28, 2014
River Radio, Cosumnes River College’s very own campus radio station, is a student-operated, campus-administered radio workshop that provides a range of content relevant to all college students, as well as those interested in getting into the radio broadcasting and production field.
Robert Snowden, a radio, television and film production professor who took over the program in 2002, has helped transition it from analogue to completely digital.
“We create content to help students gain exposure to what they would have to do in their entry level jobs at a radio station,” Snowden said. “The station, in a sense, is really a workshop to help build student’s knowledge to prepare them for when they go into the field.”
River Radio offers hands-on experience for students interested in getting into the field of radio broadcasting by providing essential information to their campus audience. They also promote and encourage internships.
After completing courses within the radio, television and film department, many students go on to utilize that experience as they take on internships at various radio stations in the Sacramento area.
“The RTVF classes here at CRC really help to emphasize how much all fields of media interlace,” said Taylor Gomez, 19, a journalism major. “The courses here at CRC offer you information that you can carry over into your careers whether it’s TV, radio, film or print.”
CRC’s radio, television and film department are proud to be considered one of the best in the region.
“We not only give you the time on the equipment, but we are really strong and knowledgeable about helping you make the right decisions about your career,” Snowden said.
A lot of planning and pre-production goes into a day’s work at the radio station.
Students are constantly writing, discussing, recording and editing, trying to provide a sufficient finished product for the student body.
“Something we do that’s exciting is get into the studios and learn how to work with the studio programs and software,” said Kristen Sanchez, 35, an undeclared major.
“I get warm, fuzzy feelings behind the mic. It’s a different kind of excitement that pumps you up to do more and do better at every chance you get,” Sanchez said.
Sanchez said the program challenges her to experiment with the different aspects of radio broadcasting, apart from the apparent listening approach.
“We’re also learning how to deliver PSA’s, create effective and professional pitches, develop new live shows, podcasts, design complete radio stations and so much more,” Sanchez said.
One of the overall purposes Snowden said he tries to instill in his students is that, “hard work and preparation makes for light work and a lot of fun.”
Snowden said CRC’s radio program has plans to transition all of their broadcasting to Access Sacramento, a community media outlet for the county of Sacramento.
To get informed about what’s happening on and around the campus tune in to their next broadcast at