College president gives speech on how to form personal leadership models
President Edward Bush speaks to attendees Monday as part of the CASSL lecture series. Dr. Bush shares his own leadership model, based on the biblical book of Daniel.
Continuing with its lecture series, the Center for the Advancement of Staff and Student Learning at Cosumnes River College hosted the “Daniel Model of Leadership” on Monday. The presentation was given by CRC President Edward Bush himself.
The focus of the CASSL lecture series is to support scholarship on campus, provide an enriching experience, and enhance and expand opportunities for both students and faculty. One of the more recent practices that CASSL is attempting to implement is presenting these lectures directly to the student body, said Philosophy Professor and CASSL Coordinator Rick Schubert.
“One of my central interests has been bringing students directly into CASSL events,” said Schubert. “It’s been one of my primary interests as CASSL coordinator to have CASSL programming serve students directly.”
Schubert gave a short introduction where he spoke about Bush’s background and experiences that led him to work on the Daniel model. After the introduction, Bush promptly began speaking about the development of the Daniel model. He shared how his personal experiences led to his adhering to this particular model over others that he had researched.
“A cursory look at several leadership models, I don’t think they ever really hit the courage piece and the piece on authenticity,” said Bush. “My journey is different, and my experience is different, so I needed to find a different model to articulate my journey.”
The Daniel model of leadership is based on the biblical book of Daniel, focusing on principles that are taken directly from the book. Bush focused on nine key principles found in the book of Daniel, including maintaining your identity, having confidence in your unique talents and having uncompromising integrity among others.
As Bush presented each point, he referenced specific passages from Daniel to support the points he was making. Likewise, he also referenced his own personal experiences, and how they led him to develop this particular model of leadership.
Bush said that he wanted the information that he presented to resonate with students. Bush gave many examples throughout the presentation to relate the principles he discussed with common situations found in students’ lives.
“If you have influence over anyone else’s life – even your own – you are a leader,” Bush said in his presentation.
The purpose of leadership is to be able to help others and lift them up, said Bush. A recurring point in the model that Bush referred to often was the need leaders to be selfless. “You have to keep your ego in check,” he said.
The room where the event took place was packed, with only standing room available along the walls. Students and faculty both attended the event. Genaro Gonzalez, a 20-year-old film major, heard about the lecture in his world religions class.
“I found it very interesting. It gave me a new perspective on a very familiar story that I grew up with,” Gonzalez said. Gonzalez also commented on one of the points that was made in the lecture. “[I learned] how much good morals and good values, when you hold true to them, you can be rewarded.”
Schubert said that he hoped attendees of the event would understand the “core message.”
“Leadership is more effective when it has integrity,” Schubert said. “We succeed because we’re authentic to who we are.”
Bush said that he was able to gain from the lecture as well.
“I’m always pleased when people can learn and have an appreciation for what something is that I’m thinking of and working on personally,” Bush said. “Just to be able to share with the college community about that is great.”