New student body officials announced in special ceremony
Winners of the student body election were announced on Thursday.
Election season has come to a close on the Cosumnes River College campus. For the past few weeks, the potential candidates have been campaigning for their prospective positions in office.
The results were released Thursday afternoon in a special ceremony held in honor of the newly elected candidates. The offices that were filled included president, vice president, treasurer and two senate positions. For the Clubs and Events Board, the positions of commissioner and secretary were also filled.
The winners of the election include President Halimeh Edais, Vice President Fernanda Mendoza and Treasurer Katherine Mendoza. For the senate positions, the winners were Joshua Diaz and Lynnette Sheppard. And for the Club and Events Board, the winners were Commissioner Ahriana Levingston, Secretary Marybeth Carranza and At-Large Representative, Georgina Coronado.
All the new electees were sworn into their positions and took their oath of office.
Administrators had encouraging words for the winners. “ I encourage you to take advantage,” said Jordan Cervantes, student personnel assistant, “this is the opportunity to make a change.” He also reminded the electees that they are “the voice of the student body.”
The new student officers also received praise and encouragement from Shannon Mills, anthropology professor and Academic Senate president.
“You are our colleagues now,” said Mills. “Your voices in the Senate are so valuable and don’t stop talking, we need to know your perspective.” She also thanked the candidates for being part of the election process.
The election process was different for each of the candidates, who shared their experiences of the election process.
“It was out of the ordinary running for office, meaning that I took on a challenge I never thought I would; I wanted to challenge myself, I want the CRC students to know that I am always here for them if they need anything and I’m really excited for the term,” said Fernanda Mendoza.
The newly elected treasurer shared her plans for the student senate.
“I want to take this opportunity to use my strong leadership skills and I plan to set idealistic budgets for the student senate, that will benefit the entire student body,” said Katherine Mendoza.
The newly-elected president shared what she wants CRC to know about her and what she plans for her term as president.
“I look forward to working with the students; I want to help any way that I can. I want to help the students find their voices. My plans for my new position as president is, to improve campus safety, and do more with safe spaces,” said Edais.
Although the student elections are over, there are still student offices that need to be filled. “We still have ten At-Large Representative positions to fill; right now we only have filled one,” said Freddy Mande, former vice president.
“I encourage the CRC students to apply for these positions,” said Mande.
CORRECTION: This story reflects a correction to Lynnette Sheppard’s name and the title of Shannon Mills.