Cosumnes River College allows public usage of sports facilities for community and personal events, according to the Campus Operations department.
This includes all sports facilities, including the pickleball courts and soccer fields.
“Those who are interested are directed to our website where there’s a facility-use permit that they fill out,” said Christopher Raines, director of campus facilities and administration services.
The Campus Operations department asks that the permit request be submitted online at least 30 days before the requested date of use.
To approve the request, campus operations will review the application to verify the availability of the facility.
“If it’s free, then we start the process of ironing out the details of what they’re going to need insurance wise,” Raines said.
According to the Facility Use Permit Application, the permit holder shall provide an insurance certificate showing commercial general liability, which should contain policy endorsement naming the Los Rios Community College District as an additional insured.
After campus operations receives the insurance certificate, the permit holder is required to pay a fee which covers the location cost per hour and the custodial fee, usually covering items like a light fee.
The CRC website includes a breakdown on what each location costs per hour based on a board of fees set by the Los Rios District, Raines said.
“We’d reach out to you and we’d get more specific, so like, how many people do you think are gonna show up here? What are you gonna need?” Raines said.
According to the terms of use, any cancellation less than 60 days prior to the event will result in only a 50% refund of the entire rental fee.
Operations technician Laura Ambriz said campus operations has received a large amount of facility use permit applications during the past couple of weeks.
“People hear about this by word of mouth,” Ambriz said. “They usually say ‘Oh, you know what, this group is using the soccer fields and they seem to like it’. So word of mouth is getting out and we are getting a lot more applications.”
The campus plans to improve several facilities, said operations technician MollyAnna Robinson.
“The sports facilities are usually cleaned pretty often after they’re used,” Robinson said. “The groundskeepers and custodians do a great job at keeping up with them.”
Because the custodians and groundskeepers have to come onto the campus on their own time to open the facilities, there is a minimum number of hours the facilities need to be rented out for. Most of the facilities, including the beach volleyball courts, must be rented out for at least two hours.
The use of equipment can also be requested at an additional cost, Raines said.
Ambriz said the campus has received a lot of positive feedback from people who have used the facilities in the past and the campus hopes to keep offering the use of the facilities to everyone.
The pickleball courts and soccer fields are the sports facilities most frequently rented out in the past semester, Ambriz said.
The pickleball courts have a fee of $6 per hour for non-profit organizations and $12 for for-profit organizations. The soccer competition fields have a fee of $45 per hour for non-profit organizations and $90 per hour for for-profit organizations. There is also an additional $25-50 per hour equipment surcharge, according to the facility use fee schedule.
The Facility Use Permit Application is accessible on the CRC website, requiring you to provide applicant information as well as more information on the facility you wish to request and the purpose for your visit.
“In the end they’re happy with the facilities and everybody loves the Recital Hall and yeah, so they love it. It’s a beautiful campus,” Ambriz said.