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If you plan on visiting Texas any time soon you may want to ensure your pants are pulled all the way up if you decide to chase your craving for McDonald’s.
As of September, at least 27 McDonald’s locations in Texas have banned sagging pants, according to an article in the Tri-State Defender.
Texas isn’t the first state to face controversy involving the banning of saggy pants.
In 2012, Cocoa, Fla. met with mixed responses when police were given the right to enforce a dress code against sagging.
However the McDonald’s sagging ban in Texas is gaining larger, national headline attention.
Some people are offended or made uncomfortable seeing a young man’s whitey tighties poking out from underneath his jeans. Others dislike the less respectable style of dress sagging represents.
There are also those who must be tired of walking behind the slow, penguin-like waddle of someone who is sagging in a narrow hallway.
One aspect that certainly is not a reason in supporting such a ban is the issue of race.
Unfortunately, some of those who oppose the ban are choosing to pretend that the racial profiling of African-Americans is relevant.
Such accusers have apparently never stepped foot in a public place, as people of all races can be seen sagging their pants. The style is certainly not restricted to African Americans, and banning the style is not at all racist.
On the other hand, it is racist to assume that only African-Americans wear the sagging style. Those who make such a ridiculous assumption should frankly be ashamed of themselves.
All irrational accusations aside, banning sagging pants is actually an attempt to educate those who sag on respect.
The sagging style originated in American prison systems before it was adopted by hip-hop artists. It’s hard to think that some wish to wear their clothes in a manner that represents incarceration.
Not only is sagging disrespectful, it is also an incredibly confusing trend that makes no rational sense.
Some may find a strange feeling of joy in bearing their underwear to the world, but plenty would prefer people kept the waistlines of their pants on their waists.
After all, it’s called “underwear” for a reason.