“So, me personally, I’m not voting. When it comes to any election, I would say vote for what you believe is right and when it comes to the importance of voting, it’s always important, cause of course you’re electing the new leaders of your country. I would say whoever you believe is right that’s who you should vote for.”
Jewlin Mejia, 22, mechanical engineering major
“My honest opinion is if Trump gets elected, then everything is going to shit. Cause literally, I wouldn’t be able to get married as a gay person.”
Jalen Washington, 22, pre-health occupations major
“That’s what I care about; is homeless, the job market, financial situation, about our government overspending. Those are my concerns. So, I think both sides will probably do something about it. I’m just not sure how much they can do to be fair. I’m not all that terrified one way or the other.”
Corraine Valente, 52, 4th grade teacher Arlene Hein Elementary School (whose son goes to Cosumnes River College)
“I’ve been talking about the election with my friends and it just feels like a popularity contest.”
Matia Brungon, 18, forensic science major
“Well since I’m pretty new to this, it’s a bit intimidating for sure because there is so much you need to be informed about before you vote. But I think it is definitely important for everybody to at least give their point of view and vote.”
Anaiah Rodriquez, 19, psychology major