HAWK TALK: What advice would you give to your younger self?
“My advice to him would be; To be extra prepared and have a schedule ready in order to get around campus, which is huge,” – Max Rivera Hernadas, a 20-year-old art major
“Don’t get caught up in yourself and don’t get caught up in your head,” – Gessica Wiggins, a 24-year-old digital media major
“Trust where things are going and stop looking back, and worrying about what choices you made and trust what happening and move on,” – Hunter Harris, an 18-year-old psychology major
“Don’t stand in your own way with negative self-talk about the unseen possibilities of the future,” – Karen Pena, a 40-year-old high school teacher
“I grew up in a Christian household and I’d say to myself, ‘You’re exactly where you’re meant to be and God loves you,’” – Ybette Lep, a 20-year-old film major