Women’s swim team share thoughts on recent season
William Vannucci
Sophomore butterfly swimmer Madison Ledbetter doing backstrokes. The women’s swim team season ended after the Big 8 championship on April 22.
The women’s swim team reflected on their season after the Big 8 conference championship at San Joaquin Delta College.
Head coach Liz Zenuk said the team’s performance at the conference championship went well. Many swimmers were placed in the finals in their individual events.
“Most of our athletes made the top 16 in at least one or multiple individual events,” Zenuk said. “So overall, it was a great end to our year.”
Zenuk said one of the biggest challenges this season was the weather, which impacted their training days, pool temperature and accessibility.
“That long and drawn-out winter and those big storms really did interrupt the consistency in our training,” Zenuk said. “Overall, we made it work and we make it work when we’re swimming.”
Sophomore butterfly swimmer Maddison Ledbetter said the season went well overall despite the roster being smaller than the previous season.
“We did a good job at working together and motivating each other on our individual races,” Ledbetter said.
Jenny De Alba, a freshman freestyle swimmer on the team, said that being on the Hawks swim team was better than when she was on her high school team.
Freshman freestyle swimmer Lily Muñoz said this was her second season swimming as she swam for her high school during her senior year. Although she said it was a late start she improved compared to her previous year, but also said she could have worked harder.
“I feel like I made a lot of personal errors,” Muñoz said. “I came to a lot of the practices, but I didn’t work as hard as I could have. This was my second year swimming ever, so I feel like I should have worked harder to keep up with everyone else.”
Zenuk said Cosumnes River College will be adding a men’s swimming program next year.
“If anybody is a prospective student for Los Rios or CRC, or any current students, they should contact me,” Zenuk said. “I would be happy to tell them about the men’s swimming program that we’re starting up for the next season and the training for the spring season starts in the fall semester.”
For information about the swim program, contact Zenuk at (916) 691-7512 or email her at [email protected].