Students express thoughts over lockdown

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The CRC campus was put under lockdown on Nov. 21 due to a threat made towards the college. Students and staff on campus were stuck in the lockdown for over two hours.

The Cosumnes River College campus was under lockdown for over two hours on Nov. 21.
All CRC students and staff were sent text messages, phone calls and emails about the lockdown which alerted students and staff who were on and off campus.
Students shared their opinions about the lockdown that happened on campus.
“All of a sudden, when I was sitting in the library studying, everything kind of just went silent for a second and they went on the loudspeaker and just said, ‘we’re in a lockdown, get away from windows,’ basically,” said 18-year-old, environmental conservation and sustainability major Samantha Tucey. “I was more confused than scared and I feel like if they would have properly warned us I could have been more prepared.”
Tucey also said that they followed basic procedures during the lockdown and staff told people to get away from the windows.
“It was mainly just confusion of what the heck is going on, no one came up to talk to us,” Tucey said. “We were basically sitting ducks, but overall I think they handled it properly.”
Tucey said more details of what was happening should have been announced in either the email or text in order for students to be more prepared.
Eighteen-year-old psychology major Makaila Lozada said she was not on campus during the incident and thought the email sent out was vague.
“It’s so scary when you get the email and the text that says ‘hey, there is a lockdown’ and that’s it,” Lozada said. “I guess you can’t really say that there is some guy walking around with a gun or whatever happened over the loudspeaker.”
Lozada also said the email that was sent should’ve included a description of what was going on so that staff and students could be aware.
Annalyse Thorpe, an 18-year-old psychology major said she was on campus in the cafeteria during the lockdown and thought it was not handled well.
“There was a lot going on,” Thorpe said. “I think it could have been handled a lot better from every point of view.”
Thorpe said there wasn’t a lot of communication going on and that the doors were locked thirty minutes before the text message was sent out.
Thorpe also said they were letting people into the cafeteria like it was nothing and that no one in the cafeteria knew what was going on.
Twenty-year-old computer engineering major Luke Alunni said he didn’t come to campus the day of the lockdown, but heard about it on the news. “It does suck that that happened,” Alunni said. “I really hope that that doesn’t happen in the future, I guess it would be nice to have more security so that way people can go to their classes and not have to worry about that happening again.”
Alunni said he thinks the school handled the situation fairly well.
Eighteen-year-old electrical engineering major Tyler Brown said he didn’t really care about the lockdown because he was home during it. “It was good that they locked it down because it was for everyone’s safety, so I was fine with that,” Brown said.
Brown said he thinks the campus did a good job handling the lockdown because they shut down the school until it was cleared.
Nineteen-year-old human development major Haniah Asif said she was not on campus for the lockdown, but did get all of the messages from the campus.
“If I had been on campus, I could have had a different perspective on how they handled it for students walking around,” Asif said. “I think they were pretty quick on telling us when to stay inside or when the lockdown was over with.”
Asif said she thinks they handled the situation well and were quick to tell students and staff what happened.
Asif also said that she feels safe coming to campus.
“I take a night class here as well that ends at 10 p.m. and I feel pretty safe here,” Asif said. “Sometimes there are certain things that do happen, but usually typically around that time, security is still walking around.”